"SeahSteel" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") respects the privacy of its clients and abides by the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection." The Company notifies the client of the purpose and means for which the personal information provided by the client in accordance with the personal information administration policy is used, as well as the security measures implemented to protect personal information. If the Company modifies its policy on the administration of personal information, it will post notices on its website and/or send out individual notifications. This policy will be implemented as of: February 1st, 2023.

Personal information to be collected: name, e-mail address The purpose of collecting and using personal information: the client’s requests Period of retention and use of personal information: The Company will destroy the personal information of the client without delay when the purpose of its collection and use has been achieved.

Investment Information

SeAH Steel(306200)

Compared to the previous day

Rate of change

  • Opening price

  • High price

  • Low price

  • Trading volume

Previous day's closing price
Previous day's trading volume
Up-per limit
Lower limit
Capital stock (100 million won)
Par value
Ask price
Bid price
Foreign ownership (thousand shares)
Foreign ownership ratio
Listed shares
Mar-ket capitalization
(100 million won)
KOSPI KOSDAQ Service industry


Sell order volume Bid price (KRW) Buy order volume
cumulative order volume